Commemorate your time in the residence halls of Cropper, Diamond, McGuinn, Wheatley, Paddyfoote, Palmetto, Gibs, Sampson, Young, Polkinghorne Village, or Truth with a commemorative brick while supporting student scholarships and other University initiatives. The new amphitheater has four pathways that will honor the residence halls of FAMU.


As students walk these pathways, we want them to see the names of those who helped pave the way for their educational experience. When you and your loved ones return to the "Hill," we want you all to take a trip down your "Memory Lane" and reminisce about your fondest memories (e.g., meeting your spouse, hanging out with your friends, attending parties, watching probate shows, etc.).


Each brick is on sale for $175 and includes a three-line inscription (12 characters per line). Your donation is 100% tax-deductible.

Donation Information
$ 175.00
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Please note: all brick purchases made between July 1, 2023-December 31, 2023, will be installed by May 2024.


* I authorize Florida A&M University (FAMU) and the FAMU Foundation to disclose my name and donation range in the University Advancement's Annual Donor Roll.

The FAMU Foundation
625 E. Tennessee St, Suite 100
Tallahassee, FL 32308-4933